May be an image of text that says 'Forth Valley College'Forth Valley College can provide support and advice to students within the LGBTQ+ community. 


Mental Health Support

There is mental health support available for anyone struggling with issues relating to gender or sexuality.

Contact the Support and Guidance Team: or complete a self-referral form: Click here to access


Changing Names/Pronouns 

Student Services can help with changing names/pronouns on class registers, certificates etc. and can help make adjustments for absences related to transition e.g. gender-affirming health appointments

Contact the Support and Guidance Team:


Diversity Co-ordinator

FVC has a designated Diversity Co-ordinator who is there to support LGBT+ students, can help mediate with staff or other students if any issues arise, and can direct to other local organisations that can provide advice and support.

Chloe Gardner,


LGBTQ+ Society

There is an LGBT student society which offers a safe place for LGBT+ students to meet in a safe and supportive space to socialise and work with the college to address any specific issues the community are facing in within the college. Students can also join the LGBTQ+ society at Stirling University for free.

Contact FVSA for more info


Report Discrimination or Abuse

FVC has a reporting system to help people safely report any discrimination or abuse if they should happen to face any on account of their gender or sexuality.

Report via


Gender Neutral Facilities

There are gender-neutral bathroom facilities on all campuses


Staff Training/Guidlines

FVC has strict equality guidelines which all staff and students are expected to uphold

We are working on developing trans awareness training for all staff to create awareness of how to best support trans and other LGBT+ students